From the President’s Vest 

The spring and summer has been full of rain, but we hope that in between or even among the rain drops that you have been out enjoying the fishing in the Muddy Creek watershed! 

As many of you know, the Co-Operative Nursery has sustained quite a bit of damage due flooding in early September. In fact, just over 100 of hold-over fish were “accidently” stocked for us during the rain storm that wreaked havoc over the Muddy Creek Watershed. We were able to get things cleaned up enough that our Fingerlings were able to be received the end of September. As we continue to work to repair and restore the Co-Operative nursery, we also look forward to raising another group of Fingerlings through the winter. 

Our chapter has been looking to find a conservation project since completing our work at the Bonham Wildlife Sanctuary. We believe the damaging rains may have helped us come back to our conservation roots a little quicker. While our immediate focus is on getting our Co-Operative Nursery up and running, we do recognize the need for stream restoration work around the watershed. Please feel free to contact me via phone or email (717-404-7642/ if you notice or are aware of a stream in need of restora-tion work. 

In lighter news, we are excited to announce that our new website is up and running. Thanks to our webmaster, Adam, we have a fresh, fun, and modern website. We encourage our members to check it out and let us know what we did well and what you think is missing. Please email any comments and/or suggestions to me at 

Our fall/winter meetings (October-May) will be the Meadows in Dallastown; our meetings will continue to start at 7pm. Join us for pizza at 6:30 and/or dessert during the meeting. We will not hold a meeting in November, due to the Thanksgiving holiday; however, we will be having a Holiday Celebration Meal in December. Additional information on this meal can be found in the newsletter. 

As always, please feel free to bring a friend, spouse, or prospective member. 

Stay Fly, 
