Is it hot enough for you? As we enter our third heat wave for 2011 (a heat wave is considered when three consecutive days reach 90 degrees or higher), our minds wander from trout and toward vacations, the beach, pool or better yet air conditioning. Well, so to do the trout. They are searching the watershed for a thermal refuge. While I have not had the time to monitor temperatures in the watershed this summer I would imagine they are higher than last year. This is a tough time for trout. But it does give me time to reflect on the past season of fishing and our members volunteer efforts.
Over the last spring our volunteers cared for and stocked over 6,000 trout, harvested willow live stakes for the native plant nursery, planted live stakes, operated food stands on opening day, held a public forum discussing the impacts of the Marcellus Shale play in Pennsylvania, renovated the Handicapped Area, put on a Handicapped fishing event, and planned for the Open House coming up in September. We have a small yet dedicated group who seem to be at every meeting. But for some reason our attendance never seems to eclipse 10 people total. We hope to improve that over the coming months. We would appreciate your help by attending and perhaps adding to our small group of go-getters…